I Am From St. Johns, 2016
"I Am From St. Johns" is a public art project done in collaboration with Nolan Calisch featuring the free-verse poem of 79 year old, third generation St. Johns resident Sharon Helgerson. The hand-lettered piece was installed at the corner of Lombard and John St. across the street from James John Elementary where Sharon went to school in 1942. This installation was part of a larger collaborative public project called People's Homes by Molly Sherman and Emily Fitzgerald.
I Am From St. Johns, 2016
"I Am From St. Johns" is a public art project done in collaboration with Nolan Calisch featuring the free-verse poem of 79 year old, third generation St. Johns resident Sharon Helgerson. The hand-lettered piece is now installed and visible on the corner of Lombard and John St. across the street from James John Elementary where Sharon went to school in 1942. This installation is part of a larger collaborative public project called People's Homes by Molly Sherman and Emily Fitzgerald.
Portrait of Sharon Helgerson by Emily Fitzgerald